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Ministering light one hand at a time

We are a community and social agency that supports mothers of murdered children and children of murdered fathers in our black and brown communities.


Our mission is to be a Ministry of Presence, showing up in the most appalling of times extending a hand of love and support.


about us


We are a community and social agency that supports mothers of murdered children and children of murdered fathers in our black and brown communities.

Our mission is to be a Ministry of Presence, showing up in the most appalling of times extending a hand of love and support.


A Papa’s Hand The Yung H Southlegend Foundation was started January 2023, to partner with police and governmental agencies across the City of Houston in helping our communities heal from the act of homicide.


Photo: Toni Cormier (Mother/Founder) and her granddaughter Jeremy's 11yr old daughter Jaliayah

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Honoring the lives of our children who were violently murdered, by supporting communities that are safe for everyone.

We are a Ministry of Presence letting our light shine through the spirit of love and our good works


(Matt 5:16)

We are responsible stewardNo mother or child is left alone.

Positive male figures will always be welcomed to serve at A Papa’s Hand.

Every mother and child will be encouraged, supported and given space to identify a way 

to put purpose to their pain and get up from it

We will always promote and support positive policing

We are led by love according to God’s word only

Meet Toni




No mother or child is left alone.

Toni Cormier


A Papa’s Hand was founded because of a black American mother experiencing being a victim of the worse crime a mother could experience, the murdering of her child.
Toni Johnson Cormier lost her son Jeremy Jamal Johnson on July 20, 2022, while loosing a child is horrific for any parent to fathom having your child snatched from your life for the most senseless and selfish reasons can be catastrophic. Toni was catapulted into a space of reflection, it is here that she asked the questions, “what do mothers do who do not have the spiritual foundation that she possessed” and “what happens to these children, who’s caring for them, who’s providing for them, who’s protecting them?”

In searching for the answers to these questions Toni started the A Papa’s Hand – The Yung H Southlegend Foundation. Here mothers who have experienced what Toni has or worse can come together in their journey toward healing, here mothers receive support in finding out what healing looks like for them, here mothers are encouraged to put meaning to their pain through purpose, here children can have a safe place to process their grief, here children can talk and play with other children who have experienced the same loss they have. It is here at A Papa’s Hand the mothers and children of our community can begin to heal through love, support, and protection.



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